Help Shape the Future of the Midwestern Chapter
Chapter Charity Committee - Chair: Adrienne Fitzgerald
- Identify a local or national charity (every other year) for the chapter to support
- Promote awareness and solicit charitable donations for the charity through official Chapter communication vehicles (newsletter, website, etc) and at IAEE functions during the year
Communications/Social Media Committee – Chairs: Gretchen Thielen & Melissa Nazario
- Contribute ideas, written articles or other sources of content for 4 Chapter newsletters (separate designer will produce newsletter)
- Update Chapter website content (separate designer will update web pages)
- Calendar Tool - track Chapter calendar (official chapter events, marketing schedules, industry events, etc.) to provide resources for Chapter utilization in one location
- Provide chapter members with communication vehicles such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
- Update and monitor all social media vehicles
Membership Engagement Committee – Chair: Lisa Lazzaretto
- Personal phone calls and emails to members
- Personal phone calls and email new members welcoming them to the chapter
- Plan and execute Meet Ups and Live Streaming events outside of Chicagoland
- Encourage attendance at Chicago based and remote events
- Educate members about resources available to them through IAEE including CEIR Research, webinars, and international events such as Expo! Expo! and the CEM Week.
Program Committee – Chairs: Cara Angeles & Lauren Miller
The Programming Committee is responsible for researching and identifying high-quality speakers and timely topics for the educational portion of 3 events to drive maximum attendance, with a focus on topics that attract event organizers while also speaking to our significant vendor/partner membership.
The committee meets via phone approximately every 2 months to discuss chapter goals and brainstorm ideas for topics, which are then communicated to the Executive Board who ultimately decides on the topic and venue.
Committee members are required to be engaged in the process either through email or on phone calls, and complete assignments for research as directed by the Board Liaison. Committee members are also expected to attend all meetings as their schedule allows, and actively recruit ideas, and network with other attendees as committee spokespeople.
- Plan a pre-determined number of educational programs per calendar year (approximately 3)
Special Events Committee
- Annual Golf Outing – Chair: DT Love
- Holiday Social – Chair:
- Kickball – Young Professionals Committee
- EXPO! EXPO! Reception - Executive Committee
Sponsorship Committee – Chair: All the Board of Directors
- Provide valuable and unique sponsorship and advertising opportunities to associate members through research, surveys, and industry standards
- Assist Chapter in raising revenue through the promotion and solicitation of sponsorship and advertising
- September – November: reach out to past sponsorship companies. 25 emails and phone calls
- September – update sponsorship budget and brochure – 2 hours
- January - Finalize sponsorships, follow up emails and assist in collecting checks – 6 hours
- January – March: continue to reach out to potential sponsors
Young Professionals Committee – Chairs: Ben Cramer & Bob Chain
The objective of IAEE's Midwestern Chapter Young Professionals Committee is to provide focus on the needs of those who are at the beginning of their career paths.
The goals of the Young Professionals Committee shall include but are not limited to:
- Continue to identify young professionals within IAEE’s Midwestern Chapter membership, determine their special needs and expectations and develop initiatives specifically designed to meet their needs.
- Recommend educational, networking, and other programs and initiatives to IAEE with the needs of young professionals in mind.
- Develop new initiatives designed to attract, engage and retain individuals of diverse backgrounds and interests.
- Contribute to and support IAEE’s student outreach efforts aimed at raising awareness of the value of IAEE membership and recruiting student members.
- Provide a social and professional support network for this important segment of IAEE Midwestern Chapter members.
Estimated Time Commitment:
Members of the IAEE Midwestern Chapter Young Professionals Committee will be expected to meet 6 times each year via teleconference. Conference calls will generally last 60 minutes each. In addition, members are encouraged to attend all IAEE Midwestern Chapter events and other networking activities.
Teams within the committee may be established to address specific tasks. In this event, members of the task-specific team may be required to participate in additional teleconferences.

Be sure to tell us on which committee you would like to serve. The committee chair will later contact you regarding your interest.